
the river's Mission:

to inspire and enable people to become

fully devoted followers of jesus christ

At the River, we believe serving others with the love of Christ is a way of life.  And it's when we serve in love that we gain trust and influence, allowing us opportunities to share the good news of Jesus with those in our community and around the world. The beautiful thing about a life of serving others is that the person serving often experiences as much blessing and life-change as those they serve.  

There are many ways to serve locally through the River, as well as getting involved in global efforts through our Xtended Missions ministry. Whether you feel called to Taney County or another continent, we want to support and empower you to do the work God has called you to. Get involved today!


As a church, we want to be known for our generosity.  We believe that God has called us to be generous with our time, our talents, our resources, and our finances.  We also know that the efforts and sacrifices that we make in our church, our community, and around the world will have significant impact. It will change the lives of those on the receiving end, as well as those giving.


Just before Jesus left this world, his last instructions to his disciples were: "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." We would love for you to be willing to serve and make disciples with us.

What have you got to do that's better than that?

Serving our river families

There are many opportunities throughout the week to love and serve our own church family and guests. Whether it's setting up and tearing down chairs, serving in our cafe, or simply serving as one of our hosts, the importance of doing the things required to make people feel at home is very high on our priority list.  If you'd like an opportunity to plug in to a serving team on Sunday mornings, or some other time during the week, please contact the church office, or fill out one of our River Connection cards.

serving Locally

We feel very strongly that as a church, we are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus in our community.  We also understand that when Jesus commanded us to "love one another," He knew that love was an action, not just a feeling.  

Care Team

Our Care Team serves the people of our community in many different ways; with letters and cards of encouragement, meals to those in need, and mitten drives for local children, just to name a few.

Community Task Force

When someone in the community is in need, our Community Task Force is there to answer the call.  Whether it's delivering firewood, repairing a wind damaged roof, or various other things, our Task Force of volunteers is always ready to jump in and assist.

serving Globaly

In Matthew 28, Jesus commissioned us to "Go into all of the world and make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit." 

Well, we're just crazy enough to believe he meant it literally!

The River has a long history of loving and serving the people of Honduras.  Many of our very own church members have traveled to provide labor in the construction of Promise Home Orphanage in El Portillo.  The goal has been to assist in the creation of a self-sustaining, gospel centered orphanage to a community in which the biblical family structure has been greatly depleted.

Beginning in 2016, our Xtended Missions team is searching the world over for our next opportunity to serve and support other great efforts like Promise Home, as well as supporting individuals who have given their lives to spreading the gospel.