Weekly Services

church for the whole family

The River is a church for everyone, regardless of their age.  On any given Sunday morning you will find an environment custom fit for each member of your family.  We also offer several programs, classes, and activities throughout the week.  There are plenty of opportunities for you to connect and grow alongside others.


We meet every Sunday morning at 9am and 11am for our weekly worship services.  There are other opportunities throughout the week for adults to plug in to the River. 

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Sunday Services: 9am and 11am

Flood & Rush (Junior High/High School): Wednesdays 6:30-8:00pm

Various Small Groups

River Kids

children's ministry

River Kids is our dynamic children's ministry for kids ages birth through 5th grade!  For more information, click here.

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Sunday Morning Service:

Every Sunday 9am and 11am

Flood - Rush

9-12 grades  /  6-8 grades

Rush is our ministry designed for 6th - 8th graders, and Flood is designed for 9th - 12th graders.  For more information, click here!

Youth Wednesday Night Service: 

Every Wednesday, 6:30 - 8:00pm

Other Programs and Activities:

Please see our calendar.

First Time at the river?

  Checking out a new church can be a bit intimidating, so we make every attempt to be as welcoming and friendly as possible.  The environments at the River are very relaxed. There is no secret "church-lingo" or fancy clothes to make you feel out of place. Just come as you are.